Family Care
If you need Family Care in New Jersey, try the chiropractic experience with the whole family so everyone can benefit.
Moreover, a growing family needs all the help it can get.
Dr. Abtahi has a desire to help others and loves the alternative approach to healing.
Additionally, his passion to provide his patients with relief through chiropractic treatment involving manual therapy, nutrition, and exercise allows them to have a better quality of life - Pain free!
Chiropractic spinal care
Chiropractic spinal care is a safe, effective alternative to surgery and drug treatments for many common conditions including headaches, neck pain, sciatica, arm pain, back pain, and much more.
Correspondingly, this approach to wellness assists the bones, joints, nervous and muscular systems to more efficiently optimize their functions.
Furthermore, eighty percent of people suffer from back pain at some point in their lives.
For instance, back pain is the second most common reason for visits to the doctor's office, outnumbered only by upper-respiratory infections.
In fact, it is estimated that low back pain affects more than half of the adult population each year and more than 10% of all people experience frequent bouts of low back pain.
At the present time, chiropractic for the low back has been repeatedly shown to be the most effective treatment for low back pain.
In fact, major studies have shown that chiropractic care is more effective, cheaper, and has better long-term outcomes than any other treatment.
For example, many health problems begin with the improper functioning of the nervous system.
In general, sports injuries, repetitive work, or stress can cause spinal misalignment, limitations on the movement of muscles and joints, and nerve pressure.
In conclusion, for family care in New Jersey call Family Chiropractic & Spinal Health Care Center for your evaluation today! 201-995-9900