Ramsey chiropractor
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Family Chiropractic & Spinal Health Care Center likes to check up on our patients to make sure they’re achieving their annual wellness goals. Since many of us make New Year’s Resolutions at the beginning of the year, the transition from May to June is a perfect time to check up on where you’re at and…
Read MoreYoga is an excellent companion to chiropractic care when it comes to relieving your back, neck, spine, legs, and even your mind from the daily/weekly grind. But, the truth is, the busier we get, the more taking care of ourselves seems to get put on the backburner. The sad reality is that by neglecting our…
Read MoreA quality chiropractic care practice should be excellent in a variety of categories, not simply just excellent at the services and treatments they provide. It is a chiropractor’s duty to provide an atmosphere where their patients can feel looked after and cared for. Below are the 3 “Cs” of quality chiropractic care and should be…
Read MoreAchieving more restful sleep can be easier said than done in today’s “grind” culture. Many of us resort to caffeine to fuel our day, some of us drinking coffee or energy drinks throughout the day, which can interrupt our sleep cycles like nobody’s business. Below Family Chiropractic & Spinal Health Care Center goes over a few…
Read MoreAt Family Chiropractic & Spinal Health Care Center we like to often tell our patients about foods they can eat that will boost their health and overall wellness, which will help their bodies stay in tip-top shape and avoid injury, but we also like to take the time to remind our patients about the foods…
Read MoreIn this day and age many of us engage in super active lifestyles on top of working a 40+ hour week. In such cases it might seem like it’s a good idea to take one full day off and do nothing. However, that one day off you take is actually a perfect opportunity to stay…
Read MoreSitting for a living makes your headache-prone There are countless physiological reasons you may be experiencing headache and each can be compounded by abstract factors and the lifestyles we lead. Many people work jobs that require long deskbound periods combined with extreme mental exertion, or physically demanding jobs, taxing the body to its breaking point.…
Read MoreSciatica is a common impingement syndrome, with various causes and degrees of pain. Essentially, the sciatic nerve, which happens to be the largest nerve in the human body, becomes pinched. The symptoms associated with sciatica can range from cramp-like irritation and numbing in the buttocks and legs, to sharp and shooting pain throughout the leg…
Read MoreWhat is the power contained within a simple walk? The power is profound: walking for just half an hour per day can be a godsend to joints that are silently crying out for movement. It frees your body and your mind, fighting back against both physical pain and mental anxiety. It allows you to re-focus…
Read MoreThe stress is in your spine Every day, you put your spine through countless motions and stresses that cause general wear and tear on the vertebrae and surrounding muscles. Physical and mental stress combine to cause slight misalignments of the spine, called subluxation, and put pressure on the associated nerves. This can cause you to feel…
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Please feel free to contact us with any questions about your health at (201) 995-9900