
Ramsey chiropractor

Ramsey chiropractor form pregnancy

The Problem of Body Weight Bearing Down On Your Joints

By Moe Abtahi | January 29, 2019

Joint pain is one of the first and most noticeable health problems caused by being overweight Your joints have it tough. Even at your target weight, they are still under near constant pressure to facilitate movement without giving in or giving out. But when you surpass your target weight, the burden can become unbearable. Take…

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Chiropractic in Ramsey & Ridgewood NJ

Spinal Anatomy: The Functional Spinal Unit

By Moe Abtahi | January 13, 2019

Your spine is built for stability but it still has to move If it was so rigid as to not move, it would simply crack from the shearing forces that we put it through on a daily basis. Therefore, it is ingeniously constructed so as to provide stability but still retain a level of independent…

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Unwinding the Stress Cycle

By Moe Abtahi | December 5, 2018

Physical and mental stress go hand-in-hand A stressful day at work has you feeling mentally anguished and exhausted. But what you may notice in your distraction is that your body is also manifesting this stress. If you take a second to have a deep breath, you might find that your neck, shoulders and back are…

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Daily Journaling Makes A Difference in Chronic Back Pain

By Moe Abtahi | October 8, 2018

The power of writing things down Treating chronic back pain effectively starts with understanding the underlying set of conditions that leads to the pain. In many cases, the conditions are obvious: a herniated disc, degenerative disc disease, arthritis, or even a simple back strain. But for many people living with chronic back pain, there is…

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How Can I Remember to Drink More Water?

By Moe Abtahi | September 21, 2018

Dehydration is rampant in America We have a love affair with sugary, fatty drinks that give us comparatively little hydration for the amount of side-effects that they come with. Coffee, energy drinks, sodas and juices are often reached for before good old water, which is a shame because of all of them increase our risk…

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pregnancy chiropractor ramsey

Chiropractic: A Difference Maker for Your Pregnancy

By Moe Abtahi | August 24, 2018

Chiropractic is a good choice during pregnancy Working alongside your primary care physician and prenatal care specialists, chiropractic offers a further layer of protection to the mother’s body as she goes through the flood of changes that is part and parcel of pregnancy. The majority of these changes involve the growing and shifting of weight,…

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The Efficacy of Chiropractic

By Moe Abtahi | August 15, 2018

Why is such effective pain relief? We think it is because of the time and care we are able to devote to your personal experience. Traditional Western healthcare dictates that we diagnose a problem and prescribe a solution; and while that has proved to be effective enough to be deemed the standard, it does not work…

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Protecting Our Senior Community with Chiropractic

By Moe Abtahi | August 10, 2018

Chiropractic is effective care for seniors There is a misconception that chiropractic is too aggressive, or that the adjustments are too forceful for aging bodies, that is simply untrue. The fact is that every patient we see receives a completely individualized treatment based on their unique body and set of conditions; that includes seniors. Chiropractic…

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Why Choose the Activator Method for Improving Spinal Health

By Moe Abtahi | August 2, 2018

The Activator advantage The Activator Method is one of the tools we trust to provide profound spinal relief. In fact, it is the only instrument-assisted method that is backed up by clinical evidence. Our goals with the Activator Method align perfectly with the rest of our treatment methods: to help you live a better, more mobile, less…

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Your Changing Body: Adjusting to Postpartum Life

By Moe Abtahi | July 25, 2018

Welcoming a new life to the world… …is a whirlwind of joy and adaptation. As your newborn opens its eyes to the waking world, your body is going through its own transition. A woman loses up to 12 pounds after delivery, including the weight of the child, the placenta (about 1 pound), amniotic fluid and…

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Ramsey chiropractor near me

For the protection of our customers and our employees, we’ve followed the guidance of the W.H.O. and the I.C.C. and their directions to business owners.

Our team is on top of the most current information available to businesses.

We are open for business.

Please feel free to contact us with any questions about your health at (201) 995-9900

Ramsey chiropractor NJ