
Ramsey chiropractor

Ramsey chiropractor form pregnancy

Working Your Pelvic Floor for Core Stability

By Moe Abtahi | April 26, 2018

The Pelvic Floor is an important core muscle The pelvic floor is mainly known for its importance in continence, sexual activity and pregnancy. And while we value all of these things, the pelvic floor is a muscle that should be leveraged 24/7. This layer of muscles, which spans the base of the pelvis and support…

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The Little Known Psoas Muscle’s Role in Lower Back Pain

By Moe Abtahi | April 18, 2018

What is the psoas? It is one of the three most important muscles that connect the spine to the lower body. Along with the gluteus maximus and the piriformis, the psoas forms the vital intersection in the middle of our body that allows for articulation, coordination and communication between disparate parts of the body. The…

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Myofascial Release is Feel Good Therapy

By Moe Abtahi | April 12, 2018

Are your muscles chronically contracted? Such systemic tension in our musculoskeletal system has myriad ramifications in the present and a ripple effect that will be felt long in the future. That is why we make alleviating such tension a top priority at our office in Ramsey. When you think about it, almost every facet of…

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Yoga For Compression-related Back Pain

By Moe Abtahi | April 3, 2018

You can’t escape the compression From the day we are born, gravity begins working on our spines. Growing up, our young spines are mobile and generally resilient against the downward force of gravity. But as we grow older, this compression effect begins to show its ugly head. Here is the recipe that leads to compression-type…

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Are You Training Your Core the Right Way?

By Moe Abtahi | March 27, 2018

Understanding your core The core is your spine’s best ally in the fight against back pain and it is unfortunate that so few of us realize its true importance. The core is a network of muscle groups that extends to incorporate everything except your arms and legs; it is implicated in every movement you make.…

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Neck pain ramsey

Stop Leaving Work With a Sore Neck

By Moe Abtahi | March 20, 2018

Neck pain is ingrained We already know that the office is one of the most brutal settings for the spine. But now we are able to take the office, and the bad habits that come with it, on the go! You already spend enough time sitting at your desk with your head craned forward, creating…

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Harnessing the Power of Posture

By Moe Abtahi | March 12, 2018

Postural deficiencies are on the rise Poor posture is the norm. As more and more jobs are transitioned into office scenarios, more people are spending the working day seated. Many of those people will then spend their post-work hours seated as well, creating a sedentary lifestyle that is devastating for our bodies. Posture is the…

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This Spring, Golf Under Par with Chiropractic

By Moe Abtahi | March 3, 2018

Golf is the ultimate test of coordination Golf is unlike any other sport in terms of mental control and discipline. It is less credited, however, for the physical challenges that it presents. Sure it is low-impact, but our bodies are also being asked to perform a completely unique movement that requires an intense amount of…

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Chiropractic for tennis ramsey nj

Keep Calm and Play Tennis Better with Chiropractic

By Moe Abtahi | February 26, 2018

The role of tennis in spinal health Tennis provides a full-body boon; in terms of spinal health, there is a net-positive benefit and it is our job as an office of chiropractic to keep it that way! At Family Chiropractic & Spinal Health Care Center, our goal is to strengthen your spine against the unique…

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Detecting Spinal Misalignment Before it Causes Problems

By Moe Abtahi | February 19, 2018

The complexity of your spine explained Your spine consists of bones called the vertebrae, forming a set of curves called the column that houses the spinal canal. This cavity protects the spinal cord, a bundle of nerve fibers which connect almost every part of your body with your brain, forming the central nervous system. Between…

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Ramsey chiropractor near me

For the protection of our customers and our employees, we’ve followed the guidance of the W.H.O. and the I.C.C. and their directions to business owners.

Our team is on top of the most current information available to businesses.

We are open for business.

Please feel free to contact us with any questions about your health at (201) 995-9900

Ramsey chiropractor NJ