Ramsey chiropractor
Ramsey chiropractor form pregnancy
What is a way that you can immediately feel better, mentally and physically? The answer is simple and natural: drink more water. Staying hydrated is essential for maintaining good health and overall well-being. The human body is made up of about 60% water, and water is needed for numerous bodily functions, including regulating body temperature, carrying…
Read MoreProlonged Tension That Causes Pain Myofascial pain syndrome is a chronic pain disorder characterized by pressure in sensitive points in the muscles called trigger points. In MPS, the stimulus point of pain is not where symptoms are felt; rather, the pain is referred to other points in the body. For example, a point of tension…
Read MoreMood swings are a common experience that can reflect changes in age and lifestyle. They can seem sudden and extreme, but there is often an underlying reason behind them. Stress, diet, exercise, and other lifestyle factors can all contribute to mood swings and create an imbalance in the body and mind. As we age, our…
Read MoreScar tissue is an unavoidable part of the body’s healing process, after traumatic injury, surgery, or even as a response to repetitive micro-traumas (think scar tissue building up in the fingers after years of typing). Much like inflammation, another natural healing response, scar tissue can accumulate to a point where it inhibits normal functioning and…
Read MoreFor most people suffering from chronic tension headaches, it may be time to take a look at your lifestyle: headaches are most often a reflection of the foods and chemicals we consume, the activities (or lack thereof) we pursue, and the mental and physical stresses we go through on a daily basis. You may not…
Read MoreWhat type of sleeper are you? Perhaps the most important type is the sufficient sleeper, the one who gets at least 7.5 hours of sleep (5 cycles of 1.5 hours each), sleeps deeply, and wakes up refreshed. Unfortunately, this is a rapidly shrinking demographic, due to the incursions of technology, the high pace of urban life, and…
Read MoreDiagnosing a herniated disc begins with a conversation: what are your specific symptoms and how are they impacting your life? From a blank canvas, we paint a composite picture of your condition that includes your medical history, and the findings of a physical exam and several neurological and orthopedic tests. We want to know whether…
Read MoreIt’s getting to be that time of year when the sweet treats start coming faster and faster until we think we can’t eat anymore, but then we do. The eating mistakes of years past keep adding up and stay with us until we put in the effort to make a change. Well this year, the…
Read MoreStress comes in many shapes and sizes and doses and it has a precarious relationship with the workplace. While working to make money to live is necessarily one of the largest stressors in human existence, there are ways to manage your stress to avoid becoming entirely spun out. Everyone knows that guy or gal who…
Read MoreA sub-conscious activity that we sometimes perform in excess of 20,000 times a day? A lot of people would probably jump to blinking, which is correct also, but how about breathing? And while the muscles that control the reflexes of blinking stay in good working order throughout life, this is not necessarily the case for…
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Our team is on top of the most current information available to businesses.
Please feel free to contact us with any questions about your health at (201) 995-9900