How to Fully Enjoy Your Spine After Chiropractic Adjustment

Spinal wellness on the rise

For many of our patients, the hours and days that follow a chiropractic adjustment can be a revelatory time- rediscovering lost range of motion, feeling less pain and feeling more able are the most common results of spinal adjustment. By providing gentle adjustments to the spinal joints, we are able to restore spinal alignment, alleviate nerve impingement and improve the mobility of previously dysfunctional spinal joints. But how can you turn those hours and days into months and years? Because the spinal adjustment is just the start. Once you’ve reestablished spinal alignment and spinal range of motion, how can you be sure to keep your spine in such a state of balance and wellbeing? It starts the moment you leave our office, the second you step in your car. Read on to find out our post-adjustment tips for keeping spinal wellness on the rise.

Maximizing your spinal health after the adjustment

The important thing to remember is that range of motion is important- movement matters! Don’t just take your newly adjusted spine and plop it down on a couch for the rest of the day- try to stay moving. Get outside, or do housework- even the gentlest of movements prevents your spine from settling into the destructive patterns caused by being sedentary. Movement, whether it be walking, gentle exercise, stretching or something more vigorous is step one. We also recommend:

  • Hydrating: hydration is ever-important for intervertebral discs which become weak and vulnerable when they dry out.
  • Perfecting your posture: chances are you are going to have to spend some chunk of time sitting, whether it be for working, commuting or leisure. Learning better posture helps maintain balance and function in the spine.
  • Doing whatever it takes to sleep well: if that means cutting out electronics in the moments before bedtime, then so be it!

Of course, diet is another consideration- by keeping at or around your target weight, you can prevent a lot of spinal degeneration. Let us help you get started on this trajectory of wellness today- give our office in Ramsey a call to schedule an appointment today.

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