Working Your Pelvic Floor for Core Stability

The Pelvic Floor is an important core muscle

The pelvic floor is mainly known for its importance in continence, sexual activity and pregnancy. And while we value all of these things, the pelvic floor is a muscle that should be leveraged 24/7. This layer of muscles, which spans the base of the pelvis and support the pelvic organs, also has important applications in spinal health. As an integral member of the core stabilizing muscles, the pelvic floor works with the deep abdominal, back muscles and the diaphragm to form the main network of support for your spine. Pelvic floor muscles naturally start to weaken around age 40, and letting them fall by the wayside can have serious ramifications for your spine and overall wellbeing.

Preventive healthcare for your pelvic floor

Strength and posture are the primary priorities for pelvic floor health. There are many ways that we shoot ourselves in the foot when it comes to the health of our pelvic floor:

  • Tight hamstring muscles create anterior pelvic tilt, tightening the pelvic floor muscles and leading to dysfunction.
  • Sway back, often caused by weakness in the abdominals, pushes your pelvis in front of your center of gravity, causing a chain reaction of imbalance that often leads to pain and dysfunction.

What we want you to take away from this blog is to always include your pelvic floor as part of your core strengthening program. A strong pelvic floor will benefit you in myriad ways, and a more stable spine should be among the top motives.

Establishing spinal stability for our Ramsey community

At Family Chiropractic & Spinal Health Care center, we are Ramsey’s go-to resource for spinal health. We work with you to account for the shortfalls in your lifestyle that are harming your spine. A proactive approach to spinal health will help you live a longer, happier life; perhaps that will start with strengthening the pelvic floor. The only way to find out is by give our office a call to schedule an appointment today.

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